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by One Small Barking Dog
A thought provoking movie about who is our neighbour? Suitable as a sermon or discussion starter, a visual prayer or a conclusion to a service on Love your Neighbour. About One Small Barking Dog OSBD (one small barking dog) began its life within a Church based urban youth work se…
Song/Hymn: See your brother in each man you meet
Song/Hymn: See your brother in each man you meet
by Andrew Pratt
See your brother in each man you meet, see your brother in each man you meet. See your sister in each woman you meet, see your sister in each woman you meet, See your neighbour, see your neighbour, see your neighbour in each one you meet. See your neighbour, see your neighbour, s…
O God, we strive to love you still
O God, we strive to love you still
by Pete Brazier
Based on the greatest commandments. O God, we strive to love you still, With mind and soul and heart; We try to love our neighbours as Ourselves right from the start. May this be written on our hearts, And written in our eyes; May this be seen in every place, That Christian folk …
Insurance is invalid
Insurance is invalid
by Andrew Pratt
Poem: Insurance is invalid Proper 18 Year A Ezekiel 33: 7 – 11 Insurance is invalid when we are fully warned, if knowing coming danger, that word is simply scorned. For those who know what's coming, yet raise up no alarm, in consequence will suffer and share the self-same harm...…
Poem: Rules, or freedom
Poem: Rules, or freedom
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Rules, or freedom Rules are tools to keep the unruly in line – or that’s the idea, at least. Rules are restrictive, inactive, inflexible and incapable of making allowances – that’s the idea of most of them. Rules are meant to make fools of those who disobey and in that way …
Hymn: Love is the focus to those who are loving
Hymn: Love is the focus to those who are loving
by Andrew Pratt
Love is the focus to those who are loving, love is the centre, the core of their being, love dwells within them, around them, among them, love will sustain them in action and seeing. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: AQUINAS (Terry) Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 15/…
What news is good? What words give hope?
What news is good? What words give hope?
by Andrew Pratt
What news is good? What words give hope? What sense of value do we feel when meeting with our God in Christ, what gives the sense, provides the seal? This seal of perfect love and faith, this hope of holiness and grace, the knowledge that our path is right, is given in our saviou…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Easter Saturday Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Easter Saturday Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
EASTER SATURDAY Matthew 22.34 – 40 ‘So what’s your all-time favourite song, then?’I listened as John put his friend on the spot. They had been discussing music of various sorts and styles. This was a way of getting to the heart of the matter. ‘Let me play safe,’ the friend rep…
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Proper 3 Year A
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Proper 3 Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 3 - Year A Leviticus 19.1–2, 9–18 1 Corinthians 3.10–11, 16–23 Matthew 5.38–48 There are two basic mistakes people make about the command to love your neighbour as yourself. The first is to forget the last two words. We aren’t told to love our neighbour with all our heart,…
We are guardians for the people
We are guardians for the people
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: We are guardians for the people Proper 18 Year A Ezekiel 33: 7 – 11 We are guardians for the people, called by God to care and serve acting out the love of neighbour, giving all without reserve. We are prophets for the people, God has asked us to protect... Tune: ALL FOR JE…
Often those abusing others
Often those abusing others
by Andrew Pratt
Often those abusing others never wish to own the truth, our possession of another always renders us uncouth. So the 'owners' of a woman, finding she was cured of pain, saw their source of wealth receding never to return again. Charging Paul with gross disturbance, challenging the…
Commend what is excellent, things that bring honour
Commend what is excellent, things that bring honour
by Andrew Pratt
Commend what is excellent, things that bring honour Commend what is excellent, things that bring honour, things that are praiseworthy, honest and pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever brings justice, these are the things to affirm and secure. Be known by your gentleness, loyal in …
Hope is built in present moments
Hope is built in present moments
by Andrew Pratt
Hope is built in present moments, times of visions, times of dreams, times when love transcends the present, long outlasting human schemes. Hope will open gates of promise, herald dawns of glorious light, help us live within this moment, lead us onward from the night. Verses 3-4 …
Hymn: Necessary separation
Hymn: Necessary separation
by Andrew Pratt
Necessary separation, Jesus’ parting frees the saints, now their calling is to action, living love without constraints. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ANIMAE HOMINUN; ALL FOR JESUS Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 27/4/2012 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, www.sta…
Love enters in our joy and gladness
Love enters in our joy and gladness
by Andrew Pratt
Love enters in our joy and gladness, love celebrates each win, each goal, love sits with us in deepest sadness, love lives with us and makes us whole. Love holds us in our deepest sorrow, love feels the hurt beneath a sigh, loves walks with us toward tomorrow, loves lives with us…
Love that breaks the heart of God